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                          Is a Truck Driving Job for You?

Choosing your career is likely to be one of the most important decisions you will ever make and finding just the right one can be a long and stressful process. A driving job within the trucking industry is a viable option for many individuals because it can provide competitive wages, flexible schedules, and attractive benefit packages. If you are looking into a job within the trucking industry, use the following tips to find out if a truck driving job is right for you.

Research Different Trucking Companies – The internet is going to be your greatest tool when it comes to researching these companies. Use directories to find out what companies are within your area and where they offer driving jobs. The Better Business Bureau is a great resource because you can see if any complaints have been filed against a particular trucking company. On the contrary, you can also find out which companies have the highest employee retention rates, offer the most comprehensive benefits, and have the most satisfied workers. Are the bigger, national companies better or does a small local carrier seem to be the best fit for you?

Talks to Actual Truckers – Once again, use the internet to your advantage. There are numerous trucking blogs and forums you can join and communicate with actual truck drivers. Online, people will often be more honest and open with you because they can remain anonymous. Ask about salary, benefits, and schedules. Ask if there is anything they wish they had known before they started their trucking career. Ask how life on the road affects their family life. This is also a great place to get references; because they can remain unidentified, individuals will often air any discontent or disgruntles they have with their current or former employers. On one particular trucking forum, users can even post their favorite companies along with the bad ones.

Ride With a Pro – “Test drive” your potential trucking career. If you can arrange it, go on a trip with a seasoned driver. This will enable you to experience what such a job actually entails and how a trucker lives on the road. You will also get familiarized with locations truckers frequent, such as loading docks and warehouses.

Recruiters – This should probably be the last step. You want to speak with recruiters once you have gathered unbiased and first-hand information from actual truck drivers. Many recruiters will be pushing for one particular training program or company, so by having done your research, you will know the typical salary and benefits most companies offer. You should compile a list of questions beforehand. This will ensure that all your questions and concerns are addressed while you are meeting with a recruiter. Also, be prepared to speak with a handful; you may have to “shop” around before you find the training program or company that provides you with ideal truck driving jobs.

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Is a Truck Driving Job for You?

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