
 Truck Driver Jobs
Trucking  Money

                 The Growth of the Trucking Industry

Did you know that, with relatively few exceptions, every single product you have ever purchased has at one time or another been transported by truck? Most Americans do not realize just how heavily our economy relies on the trucking industry. Even products that are made from multiple elements have most likely been transported on truck more than once before the resulting end product.

Despite such heavy dependence, over the course of the next few years, the trucking industry is expected to face a serious shortage in drivers. The bulk of truck drivers will soon reach retirement age but the trucking industry has yet to compensate by hiring new drivers to fill the gap. In fact, the industry is expected to see a 22% increase in jobs by the time 2010 rolls around, yet an estimated 50% increase in freight volume over the next 20 years.

So what exactly does this mean? The gap between the number of available truck drivers and the demand for their services is rapidly growing bigger. Trucking companies are offering competitive wages, benefits, and flexible schedules in order to attract a new generation of drivers. A number of companies are also offering incentives such as signing bonuses and free CDL training. Experienced drivers are being lured by lucrative paychecks and more flexible schedules, allowing them to be home more. Those interested in team driving (such as husband and wife drivers) are often paid double since they theoretically can deliver products quicker than just one driver.

If you are looking for a career change with competitive pay, consider a truck driving job with a trucking company such as Swift Transportation, Inc. With a Swift trucking job, you can generally pick and choose the areas you want to work in, whether from coast to coast or more of a regional job (e.g. New England). You also get to pick your hours and get to be your own boss, without the restrictions of a traditional desk job.

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The Growth of the Trucking Industry
