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Truck Driver Jobs for Women

More and more women are considering a career in the trucking industry than ever before. Women are finally starting to figure out the money that can be made in the truck driving industry and they are cashing in.

Truck driving is one of the few professions that women make exactly the same as their male co-workers. While attending a truck driving school several years ago, I was surprised by a 25% female truck driver training class as well as several female truck driving instructors.

The surprise didn't stop there as it seemed the women truck driver students seemed to out perform the majority of male students on written and truck driving tests! The fact is women make excellent truck drivers and it is arguable that they make better drivers than the men.

If you happen to be a female looking for a solid career job with excellent pay and benefits you might give driving a truck some serious consideration. There are plenty of trucking companies that pay top dollar with the ability to be home everyday. A person can get into the trucking industry and be making over $60,000 dollars in less than a years time. That's better than a top paid college degree graduates starting pay!

If you should decide to give truck driving a shot, I suggest you gather as much information as possible ahead of time. With the right plan, trucking can be one of the quickest ways to a high salary career with great benefits. There are around 3 million truck drivers on the road and 50,000 new drivers needed each year and this number is growing larger.

Today truck driver training is more affordable than ever. Most training schools can point you in the right direction to apply for grants and some trucking companies will pick up the cost of your training for free in exchange for an employment contract. Good luck.

About the Author
Troy Dudenhoefer
Top Paid Truck Driver Jobs
More Details about best truck driver jobs here.

Troy Dudenhoefer is a Top Paid Truck Driver and Author of " How to Make $65-95,000 driving a Truck... and Be Home EveryDay". For trucking jobs go to


Truck Driver Jobs for Women

Trucking Information
 Truck Driver Jobs
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